Monday, September 1, 2008

Relative matters... I survived!

I LIVE TO TELL THE TALE... What a dramatic opening. Yes, I managed to survive in Melaka. Admittedly, it was quite awkward at the beginning but thanks to the hospitality of my Pak Wa and Mak Wa as well as the friendliness of my other uncles, aunts and cousins, everything was fine. At least, that's what I think. I don't know what they think of my sister and myself (The youngest did not follow us) especially if they saw me 'wrestled' the lamb chop with my yellow teeth before I mashed my extremely hot baked potato with a piece of the lamb's bone. The potato just got of the grill so of course it was untouchable. I was only being practical when I used the bone. What do you want me to do? Sit around while I wait for it to cool off like what our Kemahiran Hidup text book says? Remember the book? I'm not sure it was for which form but according to the book, or rather the author of the book...
'One should starve one's self less he look like an idiot by blowing his
(No offense what so ever to the author. This is a mere intepretation by an unqualified loony)
But then again, I do see the rationale behind the 'no-blowing-your-food' rule. Imagine you're having a meal and you decided that you're food, say Nasi Lemak for instance, was hot. You took a spoonful of rice with the sambal, anchovies etc and brought it close to your lips. In the midst of you cooling it by the act of blowing, your saliva flies out of your mouth and... good heavens.. landed on the face of the person sitting across you! What a waste of enzyme! But it's a different story if that person is your evil mother -in- law. God, I hope I don't get an evil one.

Moving on, contrary to what I thought, not many turned up for the engagement. I suppose it was because the reception was held on a Sunday. Kids gotta go to school the next day ya know. It was a blessing actually because that means that I have time to get to now more about my cousins who were there. Imgine if all of them turned up (I have about 90 cousins). I wouldn't be able to remember who's kids they are let alone their names! The ones that I'd met are mostly pursuing their tertiary education doing law, business, physics and mechanical engineering. Look at what I'm doing - Professional Communication. A stark contrast no? Haha.

Most of my relatives on my father's side are successful people who come from you know those typical yet rewarding background i.e. medical, engineering, law, education etc. Of course that is not to say that what I'm doing wouldn't be rewarding. I'm sure it will. I hope.Haha. My sisters and I are probably the only ones who are into the art stuff like writing, drawing, music etc and it is most likely that we will make them as a career. If this is so, we will bloody hell stand out! Wow. Dahla anak Pak Long... stand out habis... Ini sesuatu yang membanggakan! This calls for a celebration! Pardon my looniness di pagi hari. Al maklumlah, first day of puasa. Tak cukup nutrien.

Anyway, I enjoyed myself and I especially loved the guest house where me and my other relatives stayed. My uncle works for the state government so he and his family stays at this quite pretty government complex. Told ya they were successful. Sigh, pressure, pressure. Haha. Here are some of the pics that I took. I took quite a few pics but as usual they have nothing to do with the engagement so I shall not post them here as they are considered irrelevant.
The Guest House

This was where my sis and I slept

Love the bed sheet

That's a pillow

Entourage from both sides

My father was the 'wakil sebelah pihak perempuan'

Seronok dia buat pantun

Hantaran from pihak perempuan

The 'inedible' cake

Tepak sirih

Bunga rampai

A very tense Kak Wani.

She hated those fake camel eye lashes

A friend in need is a friend indeed


Leha Kebaya Jarang said...

tahniah kerana berjaya mengharungi detik detik cemas!

Rumput said...

haha..terima kasih..alhamdulillah.. ternyata aku mempunyai

Leha Kebaya Jarang said...

nice angles-lah
saja buat aq jeles :p